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Cesta Café da Manhã com Arranjo Decorativo de Flores

Cesta Café da Manhã com Arranjo Decorativo de Flores

Regular price R$ 139,90 BRL
Regular price R$ 174,00 BRL Sale price R$ 139,90 BRL
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Encante e surpreenda com a Cesta Café da Manhã com Arranjo Decorativo de Flores Desidratadas. Repleta de delícias cuidadosamente selecionadas, ela é perfeita para surpreender alguém especial em ocasiões como aniversários, datas comemorativas ou simplesmente para demonstrar o quanto se importa! Essa cesta combina sabor e carinho em cada detalhe. Surpreenda com um presente elegante e inesquecível!

Elegante cesta de vime e tecido decorada para presente, contendo: 1 Bebida Láctea Toddynho Chocolate 200 ml, 1 Suco de Frutas Caixinha 200 ml, 1 Cappuccino Sache 36g, 1 Pão de Mel Bauducco 30g, 1 Goiabinha Bauducco 30g, 2 Sachês de Geléias 15g, 1 Sache de Mel 15g, 1 Sache de Margarina 10g, 1 Bolinho matinal de sabores diversos de 40g Bauducco, 1 Barra de Cereal, 2 Biscoito Bauducco 9g, 1 Torrada Bauducco 15g , 1 sachê de chá. E um belo e duradouro arranjo decorativo de flores secas em tons pastéis.


Temos opção de entrega em até duas horas em São Paulo e nas outras cidades atendidas da Gde. São Paulo.

Você também pode agendar a data e escolher o período de entrega. 

As entregas se iniciam a partir de 07h30 da manhã. 

Este produto está disponível para entrega rápida em em São Paulo - SP, Guarulhos, Osasco, São Bernardo do Campo, Santo André, Alphaville e Barueri.

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Thrill and surprise by sending this beautiful basket!

How this product is delivered:

This product is delivered directly by UniCestas in the cities of São Paulo, Osasco, Guarulhos, São Bernardo do Campo, Santa André, Diadema and Barueri / Alphaville. You can schedule delivery date for these cities. For other cities throughout Brazil this product can be sent via post office or carrier.

If the city you want is not on the list, you can see it in our store. UNIFLORES beautiful baskets and gifts available throughout Brazil through same-day or scheduled local deliveries.


If you choose to deliver during Business Hours, this product is delivered with FREE SHIPPING! There is only an additional fee if you choose the delivery period (Morning, Afternoon, etc.) or if you choose Express Delivery (within 2 hours in the cities served).

Handmade, subject to replacement of products or packaging.

This product is made locally na data da entrega by our selected local representatives. Therefore, they are subject to small substitutions of products or packaging according to availability in delivery location. Substitutions always try to use the more similar products of equivalent price. If a more significant substitution is needed (for example, changing the type of flower or basket, etc.), our service team can get in touch with the buyer to present alternatives and obtain authorization for replacement and delivery.

Satisfaction Guarantee!

deliveries of gift baskets made with care and quality! If for any reason you are not satisfied with the delivery, simply request the return of the product and we will refund the purchase in full.

See how it works:

UniCestas guarantees the full return of the amount paid if the customer is not satisfied with our services or products.

Full refund of the amount paid, see refundable admissible cases within 3 working days:

  • dissatisfaction with the product: UniCestas strictly follows the Consumer Defense Code, which provides that in purchases made over the Internet or by telephone, the customer has the right of repentance (art. 49), and may request the order cancellationupon return of the goods on behalf of the supplier and full refund of the amount paid. Thus, if you are not satisfied with the product delivered for any reason (delivery time, product quality, suitability of the packaging or characteristics of the flowers in relation to the photos and description of the same, etc.), just request the cancellation of the purchase and allow the withdrawal of the delivered product, within a period of 48 hours, that we will make the full refund of the amounts paid. In cases where it is not possible to return the goods, there is no possibility of returning the amounts paid for it..
  • delivery not made on the date: in cases where, exceptionally, the delivery is not made on the requested date due to any operational problem on our part, if the customer does not wish and authorizes the delivery on a new date, we will refund the full amount paid, with the return as well of any preferential, lightning or scheduled delivery fee, if contracted. There will be no refund of the amount paid: in cases where the recipient refuses to receive it, the recipient is traveling or the address provided is incorrect or out of date, UniCestas will not be able to refund the amount paid, as the basket or gifts it has already been made and sent, and it is available for collection by the buyer, in the destination city, for up to two days. However, if there are products non-perishable in the composition of the delivery, Uniflores will study with its client the proportional return of the amount paid.

The UniCestas guarantee restricts to the value of the products purchased and contracted services, not giving rise to any non-delivery, delay or divergence in the products no other type of indemnity or compensation.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Caroliny Martins

Cesta Café da Manhã com Arranjo Decorativo de Flores

  • Product with own delivery in Gde São Paulo

    This product is available for delivery in some cities in Greater São Paulo. Fast and personalized deliveries, with Free Shipping to several Neighborhoods!

  • Exchanges and Returns

    We offer Total Satisfaction Guarantee. If the Basket or delivery for some reason does not please you, just request the return and refund. Shop with peace of mind!

Affection and care in every basket! We assemble and deliver your Basket along with your special message of affection.

Baskets to enchant!